Create and manage recurring expenses
Never forget to split your Netflix bill again
If you're like us and share expenses with friends, you know how hard it is to remember to split recurring expenses. SplitMyExpenses now supports adding, editing, and deleting recurring expenses. The expense will repeat automatically at the time interval you provide, with the exact split details, amount, and payers/owers.
This is PERFECT for your Netflix, Spotify, or any other subscription service you share with friends. You can set it and forget it!
Or even Rent, Utilities, and other recurring expenses.
Configuration options
We've built a robust system to handle all your recurring expenses. You can configure the following options:
- Initial date: The date the recurring expense will start
- Repeat interval: How often the expense will repeat (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
- Ends by: Never, On date, or After occurrences
- End date: The date the recurring expense will end on
- End occurrences: The number of times the expense will repeat
Note: If you aren't sure if your settings are correct, you can always preview the next occurrence to make sure it's what you expect!
Managing recurring expenses
SplitMyExpenses now has a new tab to manage all your recurring expenses. You can view, edit, and delete any recurring expense from this tab.
It is broken down into three sections:
- Active: All recurring expenses that are currently active
- Expired: All recurring expenses that have ended
- Disabled: All recurring expenses that have been disabled (a user can delete their account which flips any recurring expenses they are tied to, to disabled)
Note: You will only see recurring expenses here that you created. You will not see recurring expenses others have created that you are a part of, since they are the owner and only editor.
How expenses recur automatically
When the time comes for a recurring expense to repeat, SplitMyExpenses will automatically create a new expense with the same details as the original. The new expense will be created with the same split details, amount, and payers/owers.
When you edit an expense that was created from a recurring expense, you will notice a banner saying: "You are editing an instance of a recurring expense. Changes will not affect the original recurring expense."
If you want to change the recurring expense, you can do so from the recurring expenses tab.
Fear not, you will get paid back from your friends who owe you years worth of Spotify and Netflix money. Simply add the recurring expenses to SplitMyExpenses and let the app do the rest. You can relax knowing that you will never forget to split your recurring bills again.
If you have any questions, or you need some help, please reach out to us:

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